本文介绍了NSMutableString appendString生成SIGABRT错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 这里有新的(这个论坛和Xcode一般),所以请耐心等待。New here (this forum and Xcode in general), so bear with me.在过去的几天里,我花了几个小时的时间试着去追踪我在这里做错了什么,但我似乎无法确定我的问题。I've spent multiple hours off and on over the last severals days trying to track down what exactly that I'm doing wrong here, but I just don't seem to be able to pinpoint my issue.这是我的代码的相关部分(我相信)。Here's the relevant sections of my code (I believe).在标题中:@interface BlahViewController : UIViewController { NSMutableString *display;}@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *display;主要:@implementation BlahViewController@synthesize display;- (void)viewDidLoad { self.display = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];}- (void)anotherFunction:(UIButton *)sender { NSString *info = [[sender titleLabel] text]; [self.display appendString:info];}我运行代码,按下UIButton,我收到错误消息。这是最初的抛出:I run the code, press the UIButton, and I get an error. Here's the initial throw: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSArrayM appendString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4e3d300' ***谢谢!编辑:请求整个堆栈跟踪,所以在这里(在查看堆栈后我意识到可能存在混淆,我现在正在编写一个非常基本的计算器,所以ViewController等应该在这个特殊情况下考虑背景和anotherFunction=digitPressed): The whole stack trace was requested, so here it is (after reviewing the stack I realize there may be confusion, I'm writing a very basic calculator currently, so the ViewController, etc, should consider that backdrop and "anotherFunction" = "digitPressed" in this particular case): * 第一次投掷时调用堆栈: (* Call stack at first throw:(推荐答案这表明你正在调用 appendString:某种实例 NSArray ,显然无效。This indicates that you are calling appendString: an instance of some kind of NSArray, which obviously won't work.假设 [self.display appendString :info]; 是异常的实际来源,然后它发生了,因为 self.display 可能已被过度释放,巧合的是,一个 NSArray 实例分配在内存中的同一个地方。Assuming that [self.display appendString:info]; is the actual source of the exception, then it is happening because self.display has likely been over-released and, coincidentally, an NSArray instance was allocated at the same place in memory.您可以使用僵尸检测来调试它。You could use zombie detection to debug this.或者,您可能在某处损坏了内存。或者,也许还有另一个分配给显示。Alternatively, you might be corrupting memory somewhere. Or, maybe, there is another assignment to display.无论如何,每当你遇到崩溃,那里将是一个回溯。请发布。有可能在其他地方发生崩溃。In any case, whenever you have a crash, there will be a backtrace. Please post it. There is the off chance that the crash is happening somewhere else.5 Calculator 0x0000273b -[CalculatorViewController digitPressed:] + 113显示的来源digitPressed:方法。self.display = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];这是内存泄漏;它会被保留两次。只需 self.display = [NSMutableString string]; 和 self.display = nil; (在你的 viewDidUnload )。That is a memory leak; it'll be retained twice. Just do self.display = [NSMutableString string]; and self.display = nil; (in your viewDidUnload).但这不是问题的根源;有些东西正在重置显示变量或它被过度释放。显示显示的所有用途。But that isn't the source of your problem; something is resetting the display variable or it is being over-released. Show all uses of display. 这篇关于NSMutableString appendString生成SIGABRT错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-02 05:31