本文介绍了如何建立BIRT 4设计师RCP?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是新的Eclipse开发和我一直在试图建立没有成功的BIRT RCP设计师

I am new to Eclipse development and I have been trying to build the BIRT designer RCP without success.


My goal is to customize the BIRT designer, e.g. removing some views and menus, setting fixed data sources and templates, restricting some actions, etc, and then embed it in my own application, which wouldn't only be for reporting.


Now, I have imported the BIRT Plug-ins in Eclipse from different sources, but there is always errors that I cannot get rid of.

我下载了设计师RCP源为一组插件,那么我它们导入Eclipse中通过选择 org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui.rcp 第一然后击中按钮标记为必需插件 - >添加依赖

I downloaded the designer RCP sources as a set of plugins, then I imported them into Eclipse by selecting org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui.rcp first and then hitting the button labeled "Required Plug-ins ->" to add the dependencies.

我注意到有一些插件有两个版本,一个与JAR和一个标记为包括的src 目录限定词;我不得不手动删除非限定版,其中包括预选赛1 - 我不知道为什么在JAR中的类就不会被发现。

I noticed there are some plug-ins with two versions, one with a JAR and one tagged as "qualifier" that includes the src directory; I had to manually remove the non-qualifier version to include the qualifier one --I don't know why the classes in the JAR wouldn't be found.


Then I had to add some plugins not included in the downloaded sources, e.g. the datatools plug-ins. I got these from the "all-in-one" download of BIRT. I suppose I end up with a mix of plugins from the designer RCP download and the all-in-one download, but same version (4.4.2 last time).

我也试过其他方式,即开始所有功能于一身的下载(但RCP在所有功能于一身的下载丢失)。我能够推出 org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui 作为Eclipse应用程序,但是,奇怪的是,BIRT是不存在的。此外,据报许多错误,例如捆绑并没有解决,因为一用约束实现的侵犯。

I also tried the other way around, i.e. start off of the all-in-one download (but the RCP is missing in the all-in-one download). I was able to launch org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui as an Eclipse application but, surprisingly, BIRT was not there at all. Furthermore, many errors were reported, e.g. "Bundle was not resolved because of a uses contraint violation".


Even when I get rid of all the compilation problems, unresolved requirement are thrown at runtime when I launch it as an Eclipse app, the most common being about batik version: both 1.6 and 1.7 are included because I think both are required but 1.6 cannot be resolved, despite being there.


That is supposed to be the first step on the way to my goal, but I cannot even build the designer RCP.

我读到插件开发Eclipse的文档,但我现在有点失落,因为似乎没有任何工作。我尝试了不同版本的BIRT和Eclipse(目前BIRT 4.4.2和Eclipse 4.4.2)。

I read the Eclipse docs about plug-in development but I am a bit lost now because nothing seems to work. I tried different versions of BIRT and Eclipse (currently BIRT 4.4.2 and Eclipse 4.4.2).


Any help will be highly appreciated. It's been a week with this and I'm afraid I will have to give up and approach another framework if I cannot deliver any result soon. Thanks in advance.



After struggling for a couple of weeks I came to realize that Eclipse plugin development is not what I expected.


I tried everything as explained in my question and I couln't even build the Report Designer RCP application from sources.


Now, for me, Eclipse dependency management is very flawed, plugin development (based on the OSGI model) too complicated and the IDE itself very unstable. Dealing with Eclipse plugin development was some of the most frustrating time as a software developer in my life.


If you are not fine with the Designer RCP as shipped, you better try Pentaho Reporting.

Pentaho的报告也是Java和有一个开放源码的报表设计器是提供 。它有适当的构建工具:您可以使用Maven的蚂蚁或常春藤+。 在建设过程中一切正常,它仅仅是一个两个命令的问题,你最终与完美执行的Java应用程序。我甚至开始做我自己修改的来源和建筑看到更改生效。只是真棒!

Pentaho Reporting is also Java, and has an open source report designer which is available in GitHub. It has proper building tools: you can use either Maven or Ant+Ivy. Everything in the building process works as expected, it is just a matter of two commands and you end up with a Java application that executes perfectly. I even started doing my own modifications to the sources and building to see the changes take effect. Just awesome!


As a colophon, I encourage you to abandon Birt and give Pentaho a try. I wasted two whole weeks with Birt and Eclipse to attain nothing, whereas in one day I could outline my way with Pentaho Reporting. And there is much more than just the report designer.


Hope this saves you some valuable time.

这篇关于如何建立BIRT 4设计师RCP?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-12 22:41