


I wonder if it is possible to use an .htaccess file to rout my domain directly to a subdirectory on my server?

我从一个普通webhoster在我的domain.com连接到我的根我的服务器的目录买了虚拟主机包。我不知道它在某种程度上可以将.htaccess文件上传到我的根目录我的服务器上自动击溃domain.com(的index.php或/index.html),以domain.com/some-directory/~~V ...

I bought a webhosting package from a regular webhoster where my domain.com is connected to my root directory of my server. I wonder if it is somehow possible to upload a .htaccess file to my root directory on my server that automatically routs domain.com (/index.php or /index.html) to domain.com/some-directory/ …


And of course I don't want the addressbar to update to domain.com/some-directory. I want my regular domain just to grab its files from the subdirectory instead of my root directory.


Just for better overview on my server.


So again, when calling mydomain.com it renders index.html (or .php) from my root directory on my server. However I want mydomain.com to render /subdirectory/index.html.


If this is possible, how can I do it? Is this bad in some way? Is there something I didn't think of, e.g. are there longer loading times or anything like that with that approach?



update: or is this possible with a DNS setting on my web-admin-panel. I'm able to edit all DNS entries.



Try putting this in the htaccess file in your document root:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/some-directory/
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/some-directory%{REQUEST_URI} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/some-directory%{REQUEST_URI} -d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /some-directory/$1 [L]


Keep in mind if you try to access a directory and are missing a trailing slash, mod_dir will redirect the browser to the URL with the trailing slash and will expose "/some-directory/".


此外,在2 -f -d 的条件,以确保该请求实际上是一种资源存在。这不是必须的,如果你有进一步的htaccess的文件重写规则,你可能不希望这些。他们保证,如果有人要求一些虚假的URL,404邮件将被处理的 /一些目录/ 目录之外。否则,404消息将沿着线的东西:

Additionally, the 2 -f and -d conditions are to make sure the request is actually for a resource that exists. This isn't required, and if you have further htaccess files with rewrite rules, you probably don't want these. They ensure that if someone requests some bogus URL, the 404 message will be handled outside of the /some-directory/ directory. Otherwise the 404 message will say something along the lines of:

所请求的网址/一些目录/ blahblahblah在此服务器上找到。



07-27 12:10