本文介绍了将 POST 数据传递给两个 php 文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Hello I'm hoping this will be an easy fix.


To simply put it, I want to do the following:


1) Have a form that users input data (estimate.html) and submit to validate.php

2) 从validate.php 检查POST 数据,如果一切正常,用户按下提交按钮,然后将相同的POST 数据发送到submission.php.

2) From validate.php, check the POST data and if everything is ok, the user presses the submit button which then sends the same exact POST data to submission.php.

有没有什么简单的方法可以在我的两个 php 文件中从原始表单发送完全相同的 POST 数据?(希望没有会议)

Is there any easy way to send the same exact POST data from the original form throughout my two php files? (Hopefully without sessions)

estimate.html -> validate.php -> submission.php


What I have right now:


I have a form that can have an unknown amount of fields that can be passed into validate.php.

我已经验证了发送到 validate.php 的 POST 数据中的所有条目.如果所有数据都验证成功,那么与其将所有数据插入隐藏字段并将数据重新提交到 submit.php,我可以重新发送发送 validate.php 的 POST 吗?

I have already validated all the entries in the POST data sent to validate.php. If all data validates successfully, then rather than inserting all data into hidden fields and resubmitting the data to submission.php, can I just resend the POST that was sent validate.php?



Yes! Using session only or hidden fields. I guess..

你也可以在 hidden 中使用数组来减少元素的大小.

You can also use array in hidden to reduce the size of elements.

<input type="hidden" value="array('username'=>'user','password'=>'password');">


这篇关于将 POST 数据传递给两个 php 文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 05:40