

我已将所有图像文件迁移到资产目录。所有这些都是大小为1x的pdf向量。它们设置为呈现为模板。它们在大小和颜色方面都显得很好。但是有一个来自xib的自定义TableView Cell,我有6个UIImageView链接到目录中的6个这些图像。不知何故,他们不尊重色调,既不是默认也不是自定义。尝试以编程方式更改它们,但也没有工作。这些相同的图像在主故事板内的静态单元格的另一个tableview中显示正常。我无法隔离这个问题。

I have migrated all my image files to the asset catalogue. All of them are pdf vectors of size 1x. They are set to render as a Template. They show up fine everywhere in size and in color. But there is this one custom TableView Cell from a xib that I has 6 UIImageView s linking to 6 of these images from the catalogue. Somehow they don't respect the tint color, neither default nor custom. Tried changing them programmatically but didn't work either. These same images show up fine in another tableview with static cells inside the main storyboard. I am not able to isolate the issue.Interestingly, the tint shows up perfectly fine once the cell is selected and the selection is changed. Then it tends to show the tint as set in IB. Seems to be like a bug to me in xcode. The problem exists in both, simulator and device. Any help?


PS: Already searched StackOverflow and the answers are all to change the rendering mode to template, which it is that way already.







Template image is work for something like UIButton.image but not UIImageView.image .

你必须自己设置UIImage AlwaysTemplate

You have to set UIImage AlwaysTemplate by yourself.

imageView.image = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"image"] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate];

并且在iOS 7中设置imageAssets中的渲染模式不起作用。

And set rendering mode in imageAssets is not working in iOS 7.


07-30 06:30