


ModuleName (=Content Root)
  |    |---com
  |         |---company
  |             |---file1.java
  |             |---file2.java
  |    |---com
  |         |---company
  |             |---test.java
  |--- .classpath
  |--- .project


This was an Eclipse project initially, and I need to import it in IntelliJ.


However, everytime I try to import it, IntelliJ is completely confused with the source root folder.


Looking at the java source files, I get the following error in the package declaration:

package com.company;


I correctly marked the 'src' and 'test-src' folders as source-roots in IntelliJ. However, it always thinks that these folders are part of the package hierarchy.


I have this problem in 3 of about 30 different modules. All modules are structured the same, and I don't really see any reason why IntelliJ works for most of them, but fails for those three.




For completeness' sake - if anyone runs into the same problem with a similar setup, here is the solution:


Another module (let's call it module B) had a dependency on the .jar file generated by module A. This normally works perfectly fine, and the required .jar can be found in module B's lib folder. The issue was that module B's .classpath file (which was used to import the modules into IntelliJ) included the following entry (I assume it was generated by eclipse at some earlier point):

<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/ModuleA.jar" sourcepath="/ModuleA/" />


Now it seems like IntelliJ became extremely confused by this sourcepath entry (as it doesn't point to a valid location) and this somehow affected module A's packaging structure.What's interesting about this (and made it a huge pain to debug and find the actual issue) is that the error didn't manifest itself in module B where the problematic .classpath file was located (because IntelliJ doesn't show a warning that the sources imported from the .classpath file were invalid), but rather in the parent module A.


Removing the sourcepath entry (or pointing it to a valid location, i.e.: lib/ModuleA.jar) fixed the problem.


07-30 08:51