

本文介绍了Android - 将具有更新权限的新 APK 上传到已发布的应用程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以我在将新 APK 上传到启用了计费的 Play 商店时遇到了问题.

So I'm having trouble uploading a new APK to the play store with billing enabled.


Currently I have a published app that is paid and I want to change it to a subscription app such that the users get a yearly subscription and hence latest data to the app.

现在我的问题是开发者控制台不允许我上传启用了计费权限的草稿 APK.我登录开发控制台,转到 APK,从简单模式更改为高级模式,将我的新 APK 保存为草稿,上传后出现以下错误:

Now my issue is that the developer console will not let me upload a draft APK with the permissions for billing enabled. I log into the dev console, go to APK, change from simple to advanced mode, save my new APK as a draft and once uploaded I get the following error:

This configuration cannot be published for the following reason(s):

All devices that might receive version 1 would receive version 2.

Some devices are eligible to run multiple APKs. In such a scenario, the device will receive the APK with the higher version code.


I updated the Version code and the version number to be one higher than the current as well as different combinations of upping only one of the two values with still no success.


The app is being signed with the same keystore.



现在弄清楚这实际上意味着什么.基本上它只是告诉我,我需要存档当前的 apk 才能真正发布新的 apk.新的 apk 已成功添加为草稿.这条消息的措辞有点尴尬,实际上意味着要发布第 2 版,第 1 版必须存档,而不是我执行的保存草稿有任何问题.

Figured out what this actually means now. Basically it was just telling me that I need to archive the current apk in order to actually publish the new apk. The new apk was successfully added as a draft. This message was just worded a little awkwardly and actually means that in order to publish version 2 version 1 must be archived NOT that there was anything wrong with the saved draft I performed.


这篇关于Android - 将具有更新权限的新 APK 上传到已发布的应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 12:44