本文介绍了从ggplot2中抑制facet_wrap中的轴比例的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我已经用 ggplot2 包和 facet_wrap 函数创建了一个情节,我会压制一些x轴使其更清晰易读。 例如,如果x轴比例出现在D,F,H和J盒子上,这里就会更清晰。 我怎么能这么做? 预先感谢! plot ... http://docs.ggplot2.org/ 编辑:可复制的代码 library(ggplot2)d xlim(0,2)+ stat_binhex(na.rm = TRUE)+ theme(aspect。比例= 1)d + facet_wrap(〜color,nrow = 1) 解决方案如果你愿意在网格/ grob级别工作,这绝对是可行的。 首先,我们为您的分面图赋予一个ggplot对象 my_plot< -d + facet_wrap(〜color,nrow = 1) 然后,我们加载gtable所以我们可以使用/操作低级对象。 library(gtable) ##加载所需的包:grid 现在,我们将ggplot对象提取到TableGrob中ish输出,但我认为它有助于显示facet图的底层结构): plot_tab< - ggplotGrob(my_plot) print(plot_tab) ## TableGrob(8 x 25)layout:33 grobs ## z cells cells grob ## 1 0(1 - 8,1-25)背景矩形[plot.background.rect.263] ## 2 1(4- 4,4- 4)panel-1 gTree [panel-1.gTree.53] ## 3 2(4- 4,7-7)panel-2 gTree [panel-2.gTree.68] ## 4 3(4- 4,10-10)小组-3 gTree [小组-3gTree.83] ## 5 4(4- 4,13-13)小组-4 gTree [小组-4gTree (4- 4,16-16)面板-5 gTree [面板-5.GTree.113] ## 7 6(4- 4,19-19) gTree [panel-6.gTree.128] ## 8 7(4- 4,22-22)panel-7 gTree [panel-7.gTree.143] ## 9 8(3- 3,4- 4)strip_t-1 absoluteGrob [strip.absoluteGrob.211] ## 10 9(3- 3,7 - 7)strip_t-2 absoluteGrob [strip.absoluteGrob.217] ## 11 10(3- 3,10-10)strip_t-3 absoluteGrob [strip.absoluteGrob.223] ## 12 11(3- 3,13-13)strip_t-4 absoluteGrob [strip (3- 3,19-19)绝对Grob [strip.absoluteGrob.235] ## 13 12(3- 3,16-16)strip_t-5 absoluteGrob [strip.absoluteGrob.235] ## 14 13 strip_t-6 absoluteGrob [strip.absoluteGrob.241] ## 15 14(3- 3,22-22)strip_t-7 absoluteGrob [strip.absoluteGrob.247] ## 16 15(4- 4,3- 3)axis_l-1 a​​bsoluteGrob [axis-l-1.a (4- 4,6-6)axis_l-2 zeroGrob [axis-1-2-zeroGrob.200] ## 18 17(4- 4,9 - 9)axis_l-3 zeroGrob [axis-l-3.zeroGrob.201] ## 19 18(4- 4,12-12)axis_l-4 zeroGrob [axis-1-4.eroGrob.202] ## 20 19(4- 4,15-15)axis_l-5 zeroGrob [axis-1-5.eroGrob.203] ## 21 20(4- 4,18-18)axis_1 -6 zeroGrob [axis-l-6.zeroGrob.204] ## 22 21(4- 4,21-21)axis_l-7 zeroGrob [axis-l-7.zeroGrob.205] (5- 5,7-4)axis_b-1 absoluteGrob [axis-b-1.absoluteGrob.150] ## 24 23(5- 5,7-7)axis_b-2 absoluteGrob [ [b-2.absoluteGrob.157] ## 25 24(5- 5,10-10)axis_b-3 absoluteGrob [axis-b-3.absoluteGrob.164] ## 26 25 (5- 5,13-13)axis_b-4 absoluteGrob [axis-b-4.absoluteGrob.171] ## 27 26(5- 5,16-16)axis_b-5 absoluteGrob [axis-b- 5.absoluteGrob.178] ## 28 27(5- 5,19-19)axis_b-6 absoluteGrob [axis-b-6absoluteGrob.185] ## 29 28(5- 5 ,22-22)axis_ b-7 absoluteGrob [axis-b-7.absoluteGrob.192] ## 30 29(7- 7,4-22)xlab text [axis.title.x.text.249] # #31 30(4- 4,2-2)ylab text [axis.title.y.text.251] ## 32 31(4- 4,24-24)guide-box gtable [guide-box ] ## 33 32(2- 2,4-22)title text [plot.title.text.261] 我的否定式预测正则表达式今天早上不工作,所以如果任何人用这个短正则表达式可以编辑它或评论那真棒。基本上,我们正在筛选出您不想要的x轴元素(在本地再次打印它,以查看发生了什么)。 plot_filtered (background | panel | strip_t | axis_l | xlab | ylab | title | axis_b- [1357])), trim = FALSE) 现在我们做实际的绘图: grid.newpage() grid.draw(plot_filtered) I have created a plot like the one here with ggplot2 package and facet_wrap function, and I would to suppress some of the x-axis to make it more legible.For example, here it would be more legible if the x-axis scales appeared on boxes D, F, H and J.How could I do that?Thanks in advance!plot... http://docs.ggplot2.org/ : the reproducible codelibrary(ggplot2)d <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(carat, price, fill = ..density..)) + xlim(0, 2) + stat_binhex(na.rm = TRUE) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)d + facet_wrap(~ color, nrow = 1) 解决方案 If you're willing to work at the grid/grob-level, it's definitely doable.First, we assign a ggplot object with your faceted plotmy_plot <- d + facet_wrap(~ color, nrow = 1)Then, we load up gtable so we can use/manipulate the lower-level objects.library(gtable)## Loading required package: gridNow, we extract the ggplot object into a TableGrob (apologies for the long-ish output, but I think it helps show the underlying structure of the facet plots):plot_tab <- ggplotGrob(my_plot)print(plot_tab)## TableGrob (8 x 25) "layout": 33 grobs## z cells name grob## 1 0 ( 1- 8, 1-25) background rect[plot.background.rect.263]## 2 1 ( 4- 4, 4- 4) panel-1 gTree[panel-1.gTree.53]## 3 2 ( 4- 4, 7- 7) panel-2 gTree[panel-2.gTree.68]## 4 3 ( 4- 4,10-10) panel-3 gTree[panel-3.gTree.83]## 5 4 ( 4- 4,13-13) panel-4 gTree[panel-4.gTree.98]## 6 5 ( 4- 4,16-16) panel-5 gTree[panel-5.gTree.113]## 7 6 ( 4- 4,19-19) panel-6 gTree[panel-6.gTree.128]## 8 7 ( 4- 4,22-22) panel-7 gTree[panel-7.gTree.143]## 9 8 ( 3- 3, 4- 4) strip_t-1 absoluteGrob[strip.absoluteGrob.211]## 10 9 ( 3- 3, 7- 7) strip_t-2 absoluteGrob[strip.absoluteGrob.217]## 11 10 ( 3- 3,10-10) strip_t-3 absoluteGrob[strip.absoluteGrob.223]## 12 11 ( 3- 3,13-13) strip_t-4 absoluteGrob[strip.absoluteGrob.229]## 13 12 ( 3- 3,16-16) strip_t-5 absoluteGrob[strip.absoluteGrob.235]## 14 13 ( 3- 3,19-19) strip_t-6 absoluteGrob[strip.absoluteGrob.241]## 15 14 ( 3- 3,22-22) strip_t-7 absoluteGrob[strip.absoluteGrob.247]## 16 15 ( 4- 4, 3- 3) axis_l-1 absoluteGrob[axis-l-1.absoluteGrob.199]## 17 16 ( 4- 4, 6- 6) axis_l-2 zeroGrob[axis-l-2.zeroGrob.200]## 18 17 ( 4- 4, 9- 9) axis_l-3 zeroGrob[axis-l-3.zeroGrob.201]## 19 18 ( 4- 4,12-12) axis_l-4 zeroGrob[axis-l-4.zeroGrob.202]## 20 19 ( 4- 4,15-15) axis_l-5 zeroGrob[axis-l-5.zeroGrob.203]## 21 20 ( 4- 4,18-18) axis_l-6 zeroGrob[axis-l-6.zeroGrob.204]## 22 21 ( 4- 4,21-21) axis_l-7 zeroGrob[axis-l-7.zeroGrob.205]## 23 22 ( 5- 5, 4- 4) axis_b-1 absoluteGrob[axis-b-1.absoluteGrob.150]## 24 23 ( 5- 5, 7- 7) axis_b-2 absoluteGrob[axis-b-2.absoluteGrob.157]## 25 24 ( 5- 5,10-10) axis_b-3 absoluteGrob[axis-b-3.absoluteGrob.164]## 26 25 ( 5- 5,13-13) axis_b-4 absoluteGrob[axis-b-4.absoluteGrob.171]## 27 26 ( 5- 5,16-16) axis_b-5 absoluteGrob[axis-b-5.absoluteGrob.178]## 28 27 ( 5- 5,19-19) axis_b-6 absoluteGrob[axis-b-6.absoluteGrob.185]## 29 28 ( 5- 5,22-22) axis_b-7 absoluteGrob[axis-b-7.absoluteGrob.192]## 30 29 ( 7- 7, 4-22) xlab text[axis.title.x.text.249]## 31 30 ( 4- 4, 2- 2) ylab text[axis.title.y.text.251]## 32 31 ( 4- 4,24-24) guide-box gtable[guide-box]## 33 32 ( 2- 2, 4-22) title text[plot.title.text.261]My negating-look-ahead-regex-fu is not working this morning, so if anyone with a shorter regex for this could edit it or comment that'd be awesome. Basically, we're filtering out the x-axis elements you don't want (print it again locally to see what's gone).plot_filtered <- gtable_filter(plot_tab, "(background|panel|strip_t|axis_l|xlab|ylab|guide-box|title|axis_b-[1357])", trim=FALSE)And, now we do the actual plotting:grid.newpage()grid.draw(plot_filtered) 这篇关于从ggplot2中抑制facet_wrap中的轴比例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-31 02:25