本文介绍了使用ruby生成SHA512 crypt样式哈希格式化为/ etc / shadow?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想生成SHA512散列的密码直接包含在/ etc / shadow文件中,以便与。通常我会去stdlib的 Digest 库,但它不会以正确的格式生成哈希:

I want to generate SHA512 hashed passwords for inclusion directly into a /etc/shadow file for use with chef's user resource. Normally I'd go to the stdlib's Digest library for this, but it doesn't generate the hash in the right format:

ruby-1.9.2-p136 :001 > require 'digest/sha2'
 => true
ruby-1.9.2-p136 :002 > Digest::SHA512.hexdigest('test')
 => "ee26b0dd4af7e749aa1a8ee3c10ae9923f618980772e473f8819a5d4940e0db27ac185f8a0e1d5f84f88bc887fd67b143732c304cc5fa9ad8e6f57f50028a8ff"


The format that the shadow file wants is:



  • openssldgst模块返回与.hexdigest相同的格式,它的passwd模块不包括SHA512支持。

  • String#crypt,但不支持SHA512。 (编辑:这只是在OSX上的情况 - 如果您指定$ 6 $ somesalt作为盐),现代Linux发行版将工作。

  • gem,但它不支持SHA512

  • The openssl "dgst" module returns the same format as .hexdigest, and its "passwd" module doesn't include SHA512 support.
  • String#crypt, but that does not support SHA512. (edit: this is only the case on OSX - modern Linux distros will work if you specify "$6$somesalt" as the salt)
  • ruby-crypt gem, but it does not support SHA512


For comparison, something that does return the proper format is PHP's crypt, but I'd rather not have to exec out to PHP for something that should be simple.



  • mkpasswd命令,其中debian是 whois 包(奇怪):

mkpasswd -m sha-512

mkpasswd -m sha-512

String#crypt实际上调用平台的本机crypt()调用,但OSX(最多10.6)不包括对替代密码的支持。 password.crypt('$ 6 $ somesalt')将在Linux平台上运行。

String#crypt does actually call the platform's native crypt() call, however OSX (up to 10.6) does not include support for alternate ciphers. "password".crypt('$6$somesalt') will work on Linux platforms.

这篇关于使用ruby生成SHA512 crypt样式哈希格式化为/ etc / shadow?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 14:08