


class KeyClass {
  int property;


void main() {
  KeyClass kc1 = KeyClass(1);
  KeyClass kc2 = KeyClass(2);

  Map<KeyClass, String> map = Map();
  map[kc1] = 'hello';
  map[kc2] = 'world';

我的目标是使以下两行从我的 map 中获得相同的值:

My goal is to for the following two lines to get the same value from my map:

print(map[kc1]);          // prints 'hello'
print(map[KeyClass(1)]);  // prints 'null', should print 'hello' too!


Is this possible in Dart language?


默认的 Map 实现是 LinkedHashMap ,因此它依赖于计算键的哈希码.有几种方法可以使您的键比较相等:

The default Map implementation is a LinkedHashMap, so it relies on computing hash codes for the keys. There are a few ways you could make your keys compare equal:

  1. 实施 KeyClass.operator == KeyCode.hashCode :

class KeyClass {
  int property;


  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
    return runtimeType == other.runtimeType && property == other.property;

  int get hashCode => property.hashCode;

  • 直接使用 LinkedHashMap . LinkedHashMap 的构造函数允许提供自定义回调以计算相等性和哈希码:

  • Use LinkedHashMap directly. LinkedHashMap's constructor allows providing custom callbacks for computing equality and hash codes:

    bool keyEquals(KeyClass k1, KeyClass k2) => k1.property == k2.property;
    int keyHashCode(KeyClass k) => k.property.hashCode;
    Map<KeyClass, String> map = LinkedHashMap<KeyClass, String>(
      equals: keyEquals,
      hashCode: keyHashCode,

  • 这篇关于更改检查地图项是否相等的方式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    08-14 11:02