


I would like to use gsub to replace every occurrence of a backslash in a string with 2 backslashes.

当前,我尝试的是gsub("\\\\", "\\", x).不过,这似乎不起作用.但是,如果我更改表达式以将每个反斜杠替换为"a",则效果很好.

Currently, what I have I tried is gsub("\\\\", "\\", x). This doesn't seem to work though. However, if I change the expression to instead replace each backslash with "a", it works fine.

> gsub("\\\\", "\\", "\\")
[1] ""
> gsub("\\\\", "a", "\\")
[1] "a"
> gsub("\\\\", "\\\\", "\\")
[1] "\\"

最后一个字符只是一个反斜杠; R只打印2,因为它打印带有反斜杠的转义字符.使用nchar确认长度为1.

The last character is only a single backslash; R just prints 2 because it prints escaped characters with the backslash. Using nchar confirms that the length is 1.

什么原因导致此功能? gsub的第二个参数不是正则表达式,因此字符串文字中具有4个反斜杠的字符应转换为具有2个反斜杠的字符.上面的第一个gsub调用返回空字符串的意义更小.

What causes this functionality? The second argument to gsub isn't a regular expression, so having 4 backslashes in the string literal should be converted to a character with 2 backslashes. It makes even less sense that the first gsub call above returns an empty string.



gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", "\\")
[1] "\\\\"


The reason that you need four backslashes to represent one literal backslash is that "\" is an escape character in both R strings and for the regex engine to which you're ultimately passing your patterns. If you were talking directly to the regex engine, you'd use "\\" to indicate a literal backslash. But in order to get R to pass "\\" on to the regex engine, you need to type "\\\\".


(If you are just wanting to double backslashes, you might want to use this instead):

gsub("\\", "\\\\", "\\", fixed=TRUE)
[1] "\\\\"


08-04 12:44