

我想为抽象类创建一个抽象的构建器(虽然它不需要是抽象的),抽象类的每个子类都可以有自己的子类Builder。我还希望每个字段/属性都填写AKA强制。所以我使用带有扭曲的Builder Pattern()。

I would like to create an abstract Builder for an abstract class (although it does not need to be abstract) and every subclass of the abstract class could have its own subclass Builder. I also want every field/attribute to be filled AKA mandatory. So I use the Builder Patter With a Twist (https://blog.jayway.com/2012/02/07/builder-pattern-with-a-twist/).


I encountered a problem which was solved in this question I asked earlier: Generic parent object cannot be returned as child without castBut now I am unable to make multiple concrete/subclass Builders.


In the end I would like to instantiate objects something like this:

ConcreteBuilderA.getBuilder().setValue(Object value).setConcreteValue(int num).build()


Where setValue() belongs to the AbstractBuilder and the others to the concreteBuilder.

我最好的镜头是(大大简化和抽象) :

My best shot was (heavily simplified and abstracted):

* @param<B> the type of builded object it should return.
* @param<S> the type of the builder subclass.
* @param<L> the type of the linking interface.
public abstract class AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractClass, S extends AbstractBuilder, L> implements ValueSetter<L>
    protected B buildable;
    public L setValue(Object value)
         //set the value
         return this;//<-- returns Object, blocking the use of the ConcreteBuilder methods
    public abstract B build();


public class ConcreteBuilder extends AbstractBuilder<ConcreteProduct, ConcreteBuilder, ConcreteValueSetter> implements ConcreteValueSetter
    public ConcreteBuilder setConcreteValue(int num)
        //set value
        return this;
    public ConcreteProduct build();
        return buildable;


public interface ValueSetter<L>
     public L setValue(Object value);


public interface ConcreteValueSetter
    public ConcreteBuilder setConcreteValue(int num);


As marked, this stops the chain when 'switching' to the subclass build methods.I have made some variants to this and I cannot get it to work.


So I am really wondering if this is even possible. If it is, I would like to see how. If it isn't I would like know some technique that does meet my requirements.



我在Federico Peralta Schaffner的帮助下找到了答案。
所以这里是Builder-with-a-twist +继承的代码:

I discovered the answer with the with the help of Federico Peralta Schaffner.It is likely that I made the builder in my real project to complicated.So here is the code for a Builder-with-a-twist + inheritance:

 * @param <P> the type of the product.
 * @param <L> the linking interface.
public class AbstractBuilder<P extends AbstractClass, L> implements ValueSetterOne<L>, ValueSetterTwo<L>{

    protected P toBeBuild;
    public L setValueTwo(int value) {
        //set value
        return (L) this;
    public ValueSetterTwo<L> setValueOne(int value){
        //set value
        return this;


public class ConcreteBuilder extends AbstractBuilder<ConcreteClass, NameSetter> implements NameSetter, Optional{
    public static ValueSetter<NameSetter> getBuilder()
        AbstractBuilder<ConcreteClass, NameSetter> builder = new ConcreteBuilder();
        builder.toBeBuild = new ConcreteClass();
        return builder;

    public Optional buildName(String name) {
        return this;

    public ConcreteClass build() {
        return this.toBeBuild;

    public Optional addExtraObject(Object extra) {
        return this;


public interface ValueSetterOne<L> {
    public ValueSetterTwo<L> setValueOne(int value);


public interface ValueSetterTwo<L> {
    public L setValue(int value);


public interface NameSetter {
    public Optional buildName(String name);


public interface Optional {
    public ConcreteClass build();
    public Optional addExtraObject(Object extra);



08-05 04:05