

我正在使用numpy使用Python 2.7.6进行编程.我在两个Numpy矩阵V/np.dot(W,H)之间进行了这种划分.有时会发生分母具有等于0的某些单元格值的情况,因此出现运行时错误.我想以有效的方式实施安全划分.我该如何编写执行矩阵除法的代码,并针对分母等于0的元素在输出Matrix中放入0?

I'm programming with Python 2.7.6 using numpy. I have this division between two numpy matrixes V/np.dot(W,H). Sometimes happens that the denominator has some cell values equal to 0, so i get a Runtime error. I would like to implement a safe division in a efficient way. How can i write a code that performs the Matrix division and for the elements where the denominator is equal to 0 puts 0 in the output Matrix?



Numpy actually allows you to set what you'd like to do in the case of a divide by zero error - see seterr. I believe this is a global flag, though - I'm not aware of a more localized solution - if it's an issue I suppose you can just set seterr before and after your safe division.


08-20 08:57