


  c>  c>在< div class =wholePage> 的上面,但在jsFiddle中你可以看到子元素< div class =wholePage> 。

如果删除 parent class position 或 z-index ,一切正常。这是我需要的正确行为:

如何用 z-index 这样做而不从页面中删除任何内容?

这是不可能的,因为 z-index 总是从父类继承


Suppose I have this code:

<div class="parent">
    <div class="child">
        Hello world

<div class="wholePage"></div>

This jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ZjXMR/

Now, I need to have<div class="child"> in above of <div class="wholePage"> but in the jsFiddle you can see that the child element rendered before <div class="wholePage">.

If you remove the parent class position or z-index, everything works fine. This is the correct behavior that I need: http://jsfiddle.net/ZjXMR/1/

How can I do that with z-index and without removing anything from page?


This is impossible as z-index is always inherited from the parent (if it is set).

You have already solved the problem by removing the z-index from the parent, keep it like this or make the element a sibling instead of a child.


08-21 12:21