


I want to be able to mask a certain field from the current message payload in Mule, when logging it to a file. The field I want to mask is a sensitive value (say account number, or social security number) in a SOAP payload. This is to eliminate security risks. However, I also need to use the value later, after masking it.


我将当前的#[payload]存储在一个会话中,然后使用XSLT转换器修改当前的有效负载以用* * * *替换敏感数据.现在,我可以将有效负载添加到日志中,敏感数据将不会完整显示.然后,当我需要数据时,我将从会话中读回它.

I am storing the current #[payload] in a session, and then modifying the current payload to replace the sensitive data by * * * *, using an XSLT transformer. Now, I can add the payload to a log, and the sensitive data will not be shown in its entirety. Then when I need the data, I am reading it back from the session.


Something does not feel right about this method. It feels more like a workaround. Is there a better way to do masking in mule?



Writting to a log doesn't sound like something you have to do synchronously.

您不能只是异步" xslt转换器和记录器吗?这将使原始消息在异步外部保持不变.

Can't you just "async" the xslt transformer and the logger? That would leave the original message untouched outside the async.


09-06 04:05