本文介绍了如何更改 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 或添加触发器或外键?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试创建一些元数据来扩展 mysql 功能,但我无法在数据库 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 中创建表.我认为我可以创建另一个数据库并在其中保存我的元数据,但我需要一些外键从我的表到 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 数据库中的一些表.不过,我在尝试创建它们时会出错.然后我想我可以创建一个触发器来获得更改通知,但是由于触发器与表相关联,我无法更改该数据库,因此我也无法创建触发器.

I'm trying to create some meta-data to extend mysql functionality but I can't create tables in the database INFORMATION_SCHEMA. I thought that I could just create another database and have my metadata in there but I need some foreign keys from my tables to some tables in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA DB. Nevertheless, I get errors when trying to create them. Then I thought I could create a trigger to get notified of changes but since triggers are associated to a table and I can't alter that database, I can't create triggers either.

具体来说,我有一些表引用了 information_schema.schema(schema_name)information_schema.schemata(columns) 和其他一些表.我想要那些外键,这样我就可以使用 ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 否则我的表中会有一些行没有引用,我不能允许这样做.

Specifically I have some tables that references to information_schema.schemata(schema_name) and to information_schema.schemata(columns) and some others. I want to have those foreign key so I can use ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE or otherwise I'll have some rows in my tables referencing to nothing and I can't allow that.

我正在使用使用 MySql 5.3 的 mariaDB 5.5.30.

I'm using mariaDB 5.5.30 which uses MySql 5.3.


INFORMATION_SCHEMA 表实际上是视图,其内容由 MySQL 服务器自动维护.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are actually views whose contents is automatically maintained by the MySQL server.


在 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 内部有几个只读表.他们实际上是视图,而不是基表,因此没有关联的文件与他们一起,你不能在他们身上设置触发器.另外,没有具有该名称的数据库目录.

虽然您可以选择 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 作为默认数据库使用 USE 语句,只能读取表的内容,不能读取对它们执行 INSERT、UPDATE 或 DELETE 操作.

Although you can select INFORMATION_SCHEMA as the default database with a USE statement, you can only read the contents of tables, not perform INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on them.

这篇关于如何更改 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 或添加触发器或外键?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 22:56