

我期待创造我的ASP.NET MVC3网站的一些基本款的通用编辑器。现在,他们可以包含字符串,布尔,枚举和列表集合。我想要做的就是扩展默认的编辑器模板来识别列表和显示自定义编辑器,可以添加和删除字符串列表中。所有的人工作得很好。

I am looking to create a generic editor for some basic models in my ASP.NET MVC3 site. Now they can contain strings, booleans, enums and List collections. What I want to do is extend the default editor templates to recognise List and show a custom editor which can add and remove strings to this list. All the others work just fine.


As I cannot name the file List.cshtml of course Is there a way to be able to get this to work? Also why are enums not drop down lists of the enum by default?


I know I can create model named templates but I do not know the class names until runtime.



您可以命名编辑模板 Foo.cshtml ,其中是列表的类型:列表<富> 。然后简单:

You can name the editor template Foo.cshtml where Foo is the type of the list: List<Foo>. Then simply:

@Html.EditorFor(x => x.FooList)

如果 FooList 的IEnumerable&LT;富&GT; 你的编辑模板将自动呈现的这每一个元素名单。所以,如果你已经有编辑模板的基本数据类型,如字符串,小数,日期时间,...当你做 @ Html.EditorFor(X =&GT; x.SomeList)你的编辑模板将有所回升。

and if FooList is an IEnumerable<Foo> your editor template will be automatically rendered for each element of this list. So if you already have editor templates for the basic data types such as String, Decimal, DateTime, ... when you do @Html.EditorFor(x => x.SomeList) your editor templates will be picked up.


08-29 03:11