本文介绍了更改iPhone UITableView单元格中的边框颜色(未分组)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've read (and used) the code here which illustrates how to change the background color and border color of a UITableViewCell in grouped mode on the iPhone. I'm writing an app now which has a non-grouped UITableView and I need to change the border color of the cells. I know that I can modify the code and create a new background view and apply it, but is it necessary?


Is there an easy way to specify the border color of a UITableViewCell if it is a non-grouped style?


如果通过普通表格视图中的边框颜色表示单元格之间的分隔线(默认颜色为灰色),则可以通过以下方式为整个表格视图自定义此颜色: / p>

If by "border color" in a plain table view you mean the separator lines between the cells (default color gray), you can customize this color for the whole table view via:

tableView.separatorColor = [UIColor blueColor];


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09-02 15:43