6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP


.6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP



6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  (2)\d 数字


/detail/(\d){3}  #限定3个数字

/detail/(\d+)   #限定多个数字

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP


url(r'^detail/(?P<page_num>\d+)$', detail,name='detail'),


6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • 给数字起个名字: page_num

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP


6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

def detail(request,page_num):
if request.method == 'GET':
form = CommentForm() #实例化一个表单
if request.method == 'POST':
form = CommentForm(request.POST) #提交数据
if form.is_valid(): #判断表单的数据是否通过验证;
print(form.is_valid) #返回布尔值,True 或者False
name = form.cleaned_data['name']
comment = form.cleaned_data['comment']
c = Comment(name=name,comment=comment) #把数据储存到Comment模型的实例c中
c.save() #保存到数据库
return redirect(to='detail') context ={}
comment_list = Comment.objects.all() #获取comment评论的所有数据
article = Article.objects.get(id=page_num) #取出id为page_num这篇文章
context['article'] = article
context['comment_list'] = comment_list
context['form'] = form
# print('11111') for testing
# print(form.errors)
# print('2222')
# print(form) comment_page = render(request,'article-detail.html',context) #render函数
return comment_page


6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

        <div class="ui  segment padded container" >
<h1 class="ui header" style="font-family:'Oswald', sans-serif;font-size:40px">
{{ article.headline }}
{{ article.content }}


  • 文章标题  设置跳转
  • readmore  设置跳转
                <a href="{% url 'detail' article.id %}">
<h2 class="ui header">
{{ article.headline }}
</a> <a href="{% url 'detail' article.id %}">
<i class="angle tiny double grey right icon">READMORE</i>

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP


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    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP



6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • 一对多:一辆车--4个轮子

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  • 多对一

  6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • 一对一:一辆车:一个引擎

    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • 多对多:一个人可以购买多辆车;一辆车可以被多个人驾驶

    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  (2)文章,评论  :1对多关系

  • django中只有一对一,多对一,多对多关系
  • 实现一对多,可以反过来实现多对一
  • 一篇博客可以对应多个评论
  • 反过来在评论里实现

belong_to = models.ForeignKey(to=Aritcle, related_name='under_comments',null=True,blank=True)


  6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP



  1. Article模型中查出我想要的数据:普通评论
  2. Comment模型中查出 :最佳评论

  (4)第一种方法:普通评论查找; Article模型

  6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  •   article-tail.html 通过传入的  article 查找数据

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    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  •   查看评论,admin后台修改评论的 belong to字段

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP  6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP 6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

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  (6) 第二种:最优评论,comment模型中查找数据

  •   Model层:添加最优评论字段,布尔值,默认false
best_comment = models.BooleanField(default=False)  #最优评论字段布尔值


6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  •   更新数据库,后台查看

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • view视图,查找最优评论;best_comment返回的是list列表

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • 判断最优评论是否返回,取第一个评论

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse,redirect
from firstapp.models import People,Aritcle,Comment
from django.template import Context,Template
from firstapp.form import CommentForm def first_try(request):
person = People(name='alxe',job='it')
html_string = '''
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h3> {{ person.name }} </h3>
t = Template(html_string)
c = Context({'person':person})
web_page = t.render(c) return HttpResponse(web_page) def index(request):
print(type(request)) queryset = request.GET.get('tag')
print(queryset) if queryset:
article_list = Aritcle.objects.filter(tag=queryset) #过滤器
article_list = Aritcle.objects.all() #获取Article数据库所有的数据 context = {}
context['article_list'] = article_list
index_page = render(request,'firstweb.html',context)
return index_page def detail(request,page_num):
if request.method == 'GET':
form = CommentForm() #实例化一个表单
if request.method == 'POST':
form = CommentForm(request.POST) #提交数据
if form.is_valid(): #判断表单的数据是否通过验证;
print(form.is_valid) #返回布尔值,True 或者False
name = form.cleaned_data['name']
comment = form.cleaned_data['comment']
c = Comment(name=name,comment=comment) #把数据储存到Comment模型的实例c中
c.save() #保存到数据库
return redirect(to='detail') context ={}
a = Aritcle.objects.get(id=page_num) #查找出该文章的id号
best_comment = Aritcle.objects.filter(best_comment=True, belong_to=a) #best_comment返回的是list列表
#select *from where best_comment=True and belong_to=a
if best_comment:
context['best_comment'] = best_comment[0] article = Aritcle.objects.get(id=page_num) #取出id为page_num这篇文章
context['article'] = article
context['form'] = form
comment_page = render(request,'article-detail.html',context) #render函数
return comment_page #comment_list = Comment.objects.all() #获取comment评论的所有数据 #context['comment_list'] = comment_list # print('11111') for testing
# print(form.errors)
# print('2222')
# print(form)
  • Template层:
  • 1.添加best_comment

6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • 2.修饰
                  <div class="ui label">
<i class="icon fire">BEST</i> #添加label标签
  <div class="ui divider"></div>  #添加隔离直线


6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

                  <div class="ui mini red left ribbon label">
<i class="icon fire">BEST</i>

  6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • 3.提交评论:错误
  • 第一个错误:redirect 缺少参数 page_num
  • 第二个错误:对应的article也要存储到comment

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6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • 4.redirect添加参数

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    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

  • 5,article的id存储到Comment中

  6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

    6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

def detail(request,page_num):
if request.method == 'GET':
form = CommentForm() #实例化一个表单
if request.method == 'POST':
form = CommentForm(request.POST) #提交数据
if form.is_valid(): #判断表单的数据是否通过验证;
print(form.is_valid) #返回布尔值,True 或者False
name = form.cleaned_data['name']
comment = form.cleaned_data['comment']
a = Aritcle.objects.get(id=page_num) #查找出该文章的id号
c = Comment(name=name,comment=comment, belong_to=a) #把数据储存到Comment模型的实例c中
c.save() #保存到数据库
return redirect(to='detail', page_num=page_num) context ={}
a = Aritcle.objects.get(id=page_num) #查找出该文章的id号
best_comment = Comment.objects.filter(best_comment=True, belong_to=a) #best_comment返回的是list列表
#select *from where best_comment=True and belong_to=a
if best_comment:
context['best_comment'] = best_comment[0] article = Aritcle.objects.get(id=page_num) #取出id为page_num这篇文章
context['article'] = article
context['form'] = form
comment_page = render(request,'article-detail.html',context) #render函数
return comment_page


6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP


6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP


6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP

def detail(request, page_num):
context ={}
form = CommentForm
a = Aritcle.objects.get(id=page_num) #最优评论 #查找出该文章的id号
best_comment = Comment.objects.filter(best_comment=True, belong_to=a) #best_comment返回的是list列表
#select *from where best_comment=True and belong_to=a
if best_comment:
context['best_comment'] = best_comment[0] article = Aritcle.objects.get(id=page_num) #取出id为page_num这篇文章
context['article'] = article
context['form'] = form
comment_page = render(request,'article-detail.html',context) #render函数
return comment_page def detail_comment(request, page_num):
form = CommentForm(request.POST) #提交数据
if form.is_valid(): #判断表单的数据是否通过验证;
#print(form.is_valid) #返回布尔值,True 或者False
name = form.cleaned_data['name']
comment = form.cleaned_data['comment']
a = Aritcle.objects.get(id=page_num) #查找出该文章的id号
c = Comment(name=name,comment=comment, belong_to=a) #把数据储存到Comment模型的实例c中
c.save() #保存到数据库
return redirect(to='detail', page_num=page_num)



  6 URL 实习文章链接跳转-LMLPHP



        <form class="ui error tiny form" action="{% url 'comment' article.id %}" method="post">


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05-17 08:17