本文介绍了可以从客户端吊销Azure AD ADAL(ios)刷新令牌吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to use ADALiOS in an iOS app. I also want to have a logout button so that, if needed, the user can elect to logout from the app. The best way, I think, would be to revoke the refresh token (the access token is short-lived and can't be revoked), which ideally should also revoke the token and do clean up on the server-side.

我尝试了Azure AD文档,在源代码中进行了搜索(并且通常在其他位置进行了搜索),但是在ADAL中找不到刷新令牌撤销的任何内容。

I tried Azure AD docs, searched in the source code (and in general searched elsewhere), but couldn't find any mention of refresh token revocation in ADAL.


Can a refresh token be revoked in ADAL? What is the best way to log a user out?



我还记得维托里奥在他的博客文章中提到过(),但ADAL 3甚至没有返回刷新令牌。我猜一般的建议是不要对应用程序中的刷新令牌有任何依赖性。

Also I remember Vittorio mentioning in his blog post (ADAL 3 didn’t return refresh tokens for ~5 months… and nobody noticed) that ADAL 3 doesn't even return refresh tokens. I guess the general recommendation is not to take any dependency on refresh tokens in your application.

关于注销用户,请参见以下线程:,尽管此线程是适用于Windows Phone应用。

Regarding logging out the user, please see this thread: ADAL: W8.1 app trying to log user out, though this thread is for Windows Phone app.

这篇关于可以从客户端吊销Azure AD ADAL(ios)刷新令牌吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-22 11:20