

超过90天的风险事件会怎样?在AADIP筛选器的Azure门户中,我只能看到7天,1个月或90天.没有习惯".或全部".  在相关说明中, 标记为风险的用户".当风险事件的发生时间超过90天时,它也不会再显示在标记为风险的用户"部分中,但是用户留在那里,无法看到该用户曾经发生过风险事件,也没有办法 来补救用户并将其从该报告中删除.如果风险事件的发生时间超过90天并且似乎无法访问,那么您将如何删除标记有风险的用户?

What happens with risk events that are older than 90 days? In the Azure portal in the AADIP filter I only have the ability yo see 7 days, 1 month, or 90 days.  There is no "custom" or "all".   And on a related note, how about the "Users flagged for risk".  When a risk event gets older than 90 days it no longer shows up in the Users flagged for risk section either, but the user remains there with no way to see that the user had a previous risk event, nor a way to remediate the user and get them off this report.  How would you go about removing the users flagged for risk where the risk event is older than 90 days and seemingly no longer accessible? 



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10-10 15:28