本文介绍了Eclipse:Maven 搜索依赖项不起作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在新工作区中创建了一个新的简单 Maven 项目.

I created a new simple Maven project in a new Workspace.

当我在 Eclipse 编辑器中打开 pom.xmlDependencies 视图,并选择 Add.. 依赖项时,没有搜索无论我在搜索字段中输入什么搜索条件,都会得到结果:

When I open the pom.xml's Dependencies view in Eclipse editor, and I choose Add.. dependency, there's no search results no matter what search criteria I input in the search fields:

它立即给我,例如,'spring' (0) 的结果.


In my other workspace, with my existing projects I don't have this problem.


Is there a way to fix that ?


Eclipse 工件搜索依赖于存储库的索引文件.你好像没有下载索引文件.

Eclipse artifact searching depends on repository's index file. It seems you did not download the index file.

转到 Window -> Prefrences -> Maven 并选中在开始时下载存储库索引更新".重新启动 Eclipse,然后查看进度视图.应该正在下载索引文件.

Go to Window -> Prefrences -> Maven and check "Download repository index updates on start". Restart Eclipse and then look at the progress view. An index file should be downloading.


After downloading completely, artifact searching will be ready to use.

更新您还需要在Maven 存储库视图"中重建您的 Maven 存储库索引.

UPDATEYou also need to rebuild your Maven repository index in 'maven repository view'.


In this view , open 'Global Repositories', right-click 'central', check 'Full Index Enable',and then, click 'Rebuild Index' in the same menu.

将下载一个 66M 的索引文件.

A 66M index file will be downloaded.


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10-28 03:31