• 记录OCEAN代码报错信息和对应我代码部分解决方案
    Error fprintf/sprintf: format spec. incompatible with data - “Format is ‘GBW IS %e\n’, argument #1 is nil”
  • 使用gainBwProd()测得GBW返回值为nil,导致printf出错
  • 添加检测代码 if(GBW == nil printf("GBW IS %s\n", "NAN"))
    Error putprop: first arg must be either symbol, list, defstruct or user type - nil
  • 使用gainBwProd()测得GBW返回值为nil,导致fprintf写文件出错,检测是否有变量值为nil
    I finally found out that the problem was in one of the expressions and it was not being evaluated and causing an error since it was performing some operation on a nil. 我写在了procedure里,所以无法定位是哪句报错了
04-19 03:22