TCP协议来自RFC793 。

1。 为什么三次握手?



1) A --> B  SYN my sequence number is X
2) A <-- B  ACK your sequence number is X
3) A <-- B  SYN my sequence number is Y
4) A --> B  ACK your sequence number is Y

答案解释:TCP有2个特性1. “全双工” 2.“通信稳定”

特性1需要双向确认,特性2引入了SEQ(sequence numbers 序列号),用SEQ确定报文的前后顺序。

--错误答案:.谢希仁著《计算机网络》第四版中,讲 “三次握手” 的目的是 “为了防止已失效的连接请求报文段突然又传送到了服务端,因而产生错误”,这个只能算是表因,并不涉及本质。

2。 为什么四次挥手?


1) A --> B  FIN my sequence number is X
2) A <-- B  ACK your sequence number is X
3) A <-- B  FIN my sequence number is Y
4) A --> B  ACK your sequence number is Y


There are essentially three cases:

    1) The user initiates by telling the TCP to CLOSE the connection

    2) The remote TCP initiates by sending a FIN control signal

    3) Both users CLOSE simultaneously


03-02 20:28